What I Do
Create powerful web applications to ensure a smooth and enjoyable user experience
As Web developer, My journey in the world of technology is characterized by a dedication of excellence and a commitment to staying at the forefront of web development trends.

My expertise in the backend is using PHP. I have completed various projects using the Laravel Framework and Codeigniter.

I have skills in several technologies to work on the frontend, such as React JS, Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS as a framework, then Javascript and JQuery to create interactive pages

I also have the ability to use WordPress, especially Elementor as one of my favorite page builders

My Journey
4 years
as Web Developer.
Starting my journey from 2020, I’ve evolved from mastering back-end to becoming a Full Stack Web Developer. Diverse projects, such as E-Commerce, Learning Management System, and ERP System is my 4 years achievements. I continue to develop my skills and Ready to face new challenges, I bring adaptability and innovation in every upcoming project.
My Previous Work.
“In the realm of web development, every line of code is a brushstroke, crafting a masterpiece of digital innovation. Each project is a precious gem, a prove to dedication, growth, and the artistry that transforms ideas into captivating online experiences.”

Laravel, MySQL, Vanilla JS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Vanilla JS.
Admin: https://adminsales.projectibad.com/
Sales portal: https://salesportal.projectibad.com/
Customer portal: https://customerportal.projectibad.com/

Laravel, MySQL, Vanilla JS, JQuery, Pusher, Bootstrap, Vanilla JS.
Demo: https://monesis.projectibad.com/
Showcase video: https://youtu.be/Xe95FlCKkFQ

React JS, Supabase, React Query, React Hook Form, React Router, Styled Components.
Email address: test@test.com
password: 87654321

React JS, JsonBIN, Leaflet, React Router, Context API, useReducer, CSS Modules
Email address: jack@example.com
password: qwerty

React JS, Context API, JsonBIN, Vanilla CSS.